Today I’m brining you another fun photographic collaboration with my styling partner Madison Beaulieu for a super fun company, PSA Essentials.

Back in my college days, I worked in the back room of a stationery shop in Athens, Georgia (shoutout to Plain Jane Designs). I was the resident typesetter, so I spent most of my time huddled over a computer designing custom invitations. Fortunately for my wallet, I stayed away from the merchandise. But I do remember seeing these super handy return address stamps that we sold in the shop, and vowing that one day when I had a more permanent residence, I would own one of these stamps.

Fast forward to many years and many non-permanent residences later, I got an email from PSA Essentials inquiring about personalized product photography. Isn’t it funny how life seems to come full circle sometimes?

PSA was looking for images to include in their wholesale catalog materials that they send to stores like Plain Jane! They wanted to show the versatility of their product and highlight it as something you can use year round for a variety of fun holidays. Madison and I spent a fun filled day crafting a variety of seasonal flat lay product photography scenes using props of all kinds.

Now PSA has a whole library of personalized stock images custom created for their brand, audience, and product that they can use on social media. Check out the before and after below to see what a difference high quality imagery can make!