An Ode to Life in 650 Square Feet


You were meant to house one person and all their things, you were perfect for that, but in the hustle and bustle of wedding planning, we didn’t have the time or energy to look for somewhere else to go. You were supposed to be temporary, three or four months tops. Life in 650 square feet … Read more

My Perfectly Unpinstagramable Life

Pinterest pinata cookie

I love Instagram and Pinterest. They’re both great places to be inspired by what other people are doing. I love looking at IG and am constantly amazed by how talented and active the creative community is. And I don’t mean to complain, but sometimes I’m frustrated with what I see there, and even though it’s … Read more

Cheers to New Year: Leaning In and Keeping the Faith

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I’m realizing more and more that I’m not very good at being uncomfortable. So for an introvert who doesn’t like being uncomfortable, New Year’s Eve has to be quite possibly the worst holiday in existence. The expectation is this: spend $100 on a ticket to a loud overcrowded party full of girls teetering on stilettos … Read more